As a digital security professional and a pandemic activist it has been tremendously revealing to me to see how my professional community has responded to the pandemic. After a brief year of "safe mode" conferences and online trainings, the "back to normal" urge overrode many people's threat models and notable figures in the community began joking about getting covid at conferences, or client engagements, or work trips and so on. This proposal is something of a manifesto aimed at reminding the security community (and indeed the technology community) about our commitments to Defence in Depth, and drawing comparisons between still-successful pandemic interventions and how we can apply these same techniques to information security...and a plea for a new kind of cybersecurity community, one that aims to work in solidarity with our users rather than in spite of them, one that strives to prevent digital as well as physical social murder.
Solidarity networks and community health, Inclusivity and accessibility in tech, Security and reverse-engineering