A conversation about technology "quality", and how changing our lens and making Human Rights a fundamental requirement changes outcomes and how we view quality, technology, and the world around us.
How we measure quality depends entirely on our values. Putting human values rather than shareholder value at the heart of our system requirements leads us to fundamentally different designs for our software, our networks and our society.
Whether we are designing, building, or procuring technology we need to be clear about our values before we start. By requiring concepts like privacy, accessibility and consent from the outset we can discard many common antipatterns, protocols and approaches, leading us to novel solutions that better support our needs.
The Librecast Project is working at the intersection of Human Rights and Technology. We believe that our fundamental rights depend on universal group communication without borders, censorship or netblocks, and we are working to build the Next Generation Internet to support that vision.
Inclusivity and accessibility in tech, Community-operated social networks, governance, and moderation, Privacy and surveillance, Scaling down technology's climate impact, Offline-first software